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Defeat: Department of Defense

February 16, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments


According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, all of the US military services issued a report on the murderous rampage at Fort Hood, Texas in November 2009 when Nidal Malik Hassan, a terrorist, killed 11 Soldiers, 1 civilian, and wounded 32 others.

None of the reports mentions radical Islam.

The same misguided, politically correct culture which contributed to the tragedy may be inhibiting the lessons learned.  It is widely believed that Hassan’s supervisors overlooked his professional incompetence and jihadist attitudes in the name of multi-culturalism and political correctness.  .

Translation: they were afraid to discipline or report Hassan because he was a Muslim.

Now it appears this same culture is not only absent from the report, but is actually causing the Department of Defense to deny, as an institution, one of the fundamental causes of this incident.

Not misinterpret.  D E N Y.  As in, we know that Hassan was a terrorist, but we are going to look the other way.

Of course, this shouldn’t be a surprise to those who remember Army Chief of Staff George Casey, who, immediately following the shooting, said his chief concern was that the incident might “cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers.”

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